Sunday, December 28, 2008

15 week Ultrasound and 16 week belly

Lots to post about this time! :)

Had an appointment on Monday, I was 15 weeks, and got some amazing pictures.  They are all bellow!  We also found out the baby is probably a BOY!  We are  so excited.  We weren't going to find out, but when the doctor told us we may have the ability to know at this 15 week appointment, we just couldn't resist.  The next baby can be a surprise.  I have been feeling boy the whole time, so it didn't surprise me one bit to hear the word BOY come out of the ultrasound tech's mouth.  I feel very connected to this little noodle now, and I can't wait to start feeling the baby move around and kick! :)

Here are his little feet! 

This is the best of them all I think.  You can see the little finger above his mouth.  People have said it looks like he is blowing bubbles.  So cute!

Here is another profile picture. I think he looks like a duck here! :)

I have been waiting to start posting belly pictures. I am really excited to see how big he gets, and how it all shows throughout the pregnancy!  This is the belly at 16 weeks!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

First Prenatal Apt

Ahhh 12 weeks! I feel great! A LOT less tired, and not even close to as puky. It’s great! Tuesday I had my first prenatal apt. with Dr. Travias. He is so awesome. I got to hear the baby's heart beat as well. It was amazing! He said that 30% of the time they can't hear it, and he may need to search for a bit to find it. He put the doppler thing on my stomach, moved it once and boom, there it was! He said, Oh no, looks like you have a show off already! The heart rate was 166, and strong! :) I get another ultra sound on December 22, which I cannot wait for. I am really excited that Nick gets to come to this one because watching the baby move all around on Monday made it so real!

Monday, December 1, 2008

12 Weeks Today!

Today I got ANOTHER ultra sound! I am very luck to have had so many! So today's was great! I got the see the baby, and it was squirming all around and moving its little arms and hands near its face. Made it all real for a second there! :) Here are a few pictures that are a little less useless then the last few! You can see it's little hand up by its head! :)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Yesteray we had alittle bit of a scare, but everything looks great! We got another pictures out of the deal too! :)

Monday, October 27, 2008

Second Ultra Sound

Had my second doctor's apt. today and everything looks great! The baby is measuring 7 weeks, and the heart beat is 129! Here's a semi-useless picture!

First Post

As of today I am 6 weeks and 5 days. I had an ultra sound last week and we got to see the beginning of what will be this amazing baby! They don't tell you much as they go, but after a few minutes of silence, FINALLY, the ultra sound tech said, "See that little vibration? That is the baby's heart beating!" Nick said that made it feel more real to him. It still doesn't feel real to me! Today at 3:40 I have another ultra sound to make sure the baby's heart is beating at the rate they would like to see for 6 weeks. I hope I can scoop some pictures then!

This week has been the first I have felt like I'm prego. I have been nauseous and dizzy, and my goodness, they weren't kidding about the fatigue. I am just so tired. I'm enjoying this first one by sleeping whenever I can. I can only imagine how tough it is for people who already have a baby and can't just sleep whenever!

Baby Countdown!

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker