Thursday, December 4, 2008

First Prenatal Apt

Ahhh 12 weeks! I feel great! A LOT less tired, and not even close to as puky. It’s great! Tuesday I had my first prenatal apt. with Dr. Travias. He is so awesome. I got to hear the baby's heart beat as well. It was amazing! He said that 30% of the time they can't hear it, and he may need to search for a bit to find it. He put the doppler thing on my stomach, moved it once and boom, there it was! He said, Oh no, looks like you have a show off already! The heart rate was 166, and strong! :) I get another ultra sound on December 22, which I cannot wait for. I am really excited that Nick gets to come to this one because watching the baby move all around on Monday made it so real!

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